photo-fears [Facebook]

ever come across any album that's titled "ME" and has all the photos' description as 'me', 'me' and 'me'? unfortunately.... there are hundreds of 'em. it always urges me to ponder on the fact why people don't seem to understand that if someone looks at your photos, they look at it with full knowledge of whose profile they are looking at. so i see no reason of repeating the person's identification of tagging "ME" in every damn photo. Also, there are those who like to mention where the pictures are taken. and i mean tooooo much into where it's taken! for e.g- #country#state#city#home#room#study-desk. i mean.. c'mon. it makes more sense to just state- "at my study-desk". and last but not the least, 'pouty-pouts' are already too out-dated. it is now more like a lip-stretch than a cute thing so.... it's better too just stay away from those. Forever! this post does not directly re...