SMOKING: new "unwanted" life-partner?

A few days back, i watched a program on the television that focused on Indonesia's growing Tobacco Market.
Some of us must have already seen videos which show minors, even at the age of 2, smoking the cigarette. And what's worse? Nobody cares!
An interview was held with the lung-affected patients at a local hospital in Indonesia where the host had asked these patients- In spite of knowing the injurious effects of smoking, why do you still do it?
The answer was common for all. They said it had been there since the time they were born and the issue of its bad effects were shadowed by HABITUATION.
In that interview, one of the patients even mentioned that it had become too much of a vital part in their lives that it was as important as their daily food.
It is also surprising that most of the tobacco consumption in Indonesia are by the poor people. In an interview, they had mentioned that they spend 1/3 of their daily wage to buy cigarettes and when they try to quit smoking, their mouth feels uneasy and they don't feel satisfied.
And finally, when asked,"Do you want to leave smoking?" came a firm answer,"YES".

Ardi Rizal a, 2-year-old, now a proud EX-SMOKER. 


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