if you don't start... how are you suppose to FINISH?

well, this is something almost everyone of us must have experienced- the "I'll do it tomorrow" disease.

In an experience of mine, a project, which i was determined to finish during the first week of my summer vacations, only saw it done on the last day of my holidays.
yup! if you are facing similar situations, you can make sure that you have the IWDIT disease.
I may not be a doctor but what i can tell you is the cause of this disease.
Ofcourse! ..what  else will it be than.. LAZINESS.
whenever you try to work something out like a project, an assignment, a chore, etc. rather than thinking when it will end, it is much wiser to think when to and how to start it.
no matter  how much you think or prepare for something and blabber about what you are going to, you will never know what is really needed until and unless you start.
and it is very common that after a long month of holiday, when you force yourself to do that one dreadful piece of assignment, you finally realize that you are already running out of time and how happy you would have been if you had done it earlier.

but at the end of the day, you should know that these situations (or disease) are not so hard to kill.
Its just a matter of taking that first step.


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