Women: Vulnerable 24x7

The Delhi Rape Case shook the world by storm. It grabbed the entire world's attention and ignited the rage of millions. Thousands of campaigns, protests and demands were brought out against this unforgettable event of inhuman brutal act from all around the world. Yes, this was an awakening call for everyone but did it affect those who, apparently, are still continuing these horribly, disgraceful kind of acts? Unfortunately and evidently, NO. As a student, imagination and adventure runs in the deepest core of our veins, the thirst for exploration will never be quenched. As I stepped out one evening alone, longing to explore the city lights and stores, I found myself unable to prolong that feeling of joyous adventure but instead was filled with that emotion I feared the most- FEAR itself. Not even five minutes had passed since I stepped out from the house and eave-teasing, uncivilised deathly stares, deliberate body touching and other disrespectful behaviours which can only be fel...